Saint John, September 18, 2018 – The NDP is committed to standing up for women’s issues and today, Jennifer McKenzie reiterated that the NDP has the platform that will make a difference in women’s lives.

‘’Politicians make promises for women’s issues in election time, but quickly forget after the election is over. We need a female leader of a political party in the legislature, as well as other strong women MLAs, like the incredible 25 women NDP candidates, to uphold the promises made to women during the election. We need real change in this province and we can’t address women issues without women.’’ – Jennifer McKenzie

Women live in poverty, are victims of violence, are not believed when they are sexually assaulted, are not paid the same wages as men, have trouble finding affordable child care, and are often the pillars of our communities. Women wrote the NDP wrote the platform. We have the solutions that will improve the lives of women across the province.

Our key planks address the economic and wellbeing of women in this province:

  • 36% of working people in New Brunswick earn less than $15 an hour—the majority of whom are women. An NDP government will implement a $15 an hour minimum wage.

  • Child care in every school at $10 per day per child from age 3 to 12. This will allow more women to participate in the workforce.

  • Our home care plan will allow senior women to get nursing care and home support services in their own homes.

  • Achieving pay equity in the private and public sector.

  • Ensuring that our universal pharmacare plan covers important medications such as Mifegymiso and PrEP.

  • Ending gender-based violence in the community, workplaces and campuses through education, prevention and training.

  • Reforming and improving the sexual education curriculum in public schools with the following goals: reduce teen pregnancy and STDs; increase awareness and reduce prejudice of gender and sexual diversity; teach the importance of sexual consent; provide tools to recognize and disclose abuse; and foster healthy relationships.

  • Expanding professional development opportunities for police officers and judges to learn about the realities of sexual assault and implement formalized emergency response mechanisms that support survivors.