Moncton, August 28, 2018 – Jennifer McKenzie and candidates from the Moncton region, Helene Boudreau, Michel Boudreau and Joyce Richardson, announced that the NDP commits to saving New Brunswick community based not for profit nursing home system, and to improving working conditions for nursing home workers and care for residents.

“We have to make sure that all parts of our healthcare system is reliable and strong. Our nursing homes and special care homes are part of our social safety net, this is a vital part of our services for seniors and their families. We need to build on our existing community based system, and say no to for profit nursing homes. Nursing homes are part of the healthcare system and needs to be operated on a non profit basis.” – Jennifer McKenzie

What the NDP is hearing from people whose families are going into nursing homes and from seniors who are considering their options, is that they don’t want to be in a for profit institution. They want to feel connected to their communities, even if they can’t be in their homes, and their family wants them to be comfortable and have quality healthcare and the quality of life they deserve.

“Our nursing home workers are compassionate, patient, and skilled workers. They are telling us that they need more time with each resident  to be able to fully do their jobs. They need to be able to work safely We need to listen to them. They need to have decent amount of time to be with every resident.” – Jennifer McKenzie

The NDP will also to put a stop to the downgrading of the skill mix ratio that has worked for these homes for many years  because we need the best professional care for residents.

And the NDP will increase the funding of nursing homes so that ratio of direct care by a caregiver to a  resident will change from 3.1 hours per day to 3.5 hours per day, in the first year of our government.

New Brunswickers need to know that their loved ones are in good hands and are treated well. We need to take care of our workers, offer them the working conditions that they deserve, so they can take good care of our parents, loved ones and friends.

P 10 005 – 8 Support for Community Based Non-Profit Nursing Home Services and Workers