Our Policy
The NB NDP is the party of the working class in New Brunswick.
32 Hour Work Week
Universal Pharmacare
Ranked #1 on Environment Policy
Affordable Childcare

Becoming an NB NDP Member
Who knew joining a political party could be cool?
Meet fellow progressives
Positive politics
Bring the fight to big business
Fight for unions
Be a leader on worker’s rights
#1 on Environment policy
- Costs $10/year
Fight for LGBTQ+ rights
- No pressure volunteer environment
- Develop policy for the party

In The News

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Affiliate Wings
The NB NDP affiliate wings are the heart of our party. Drafting policy, recruiting new members, and ensuring the party’s success. You can join now by clicking here.

Get Involved Locally
Interested in helping grow the NB NDP in your community? Join, or set up a local RDA (Riding District Association) to give your home progressive representation.